Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter #1

To everyone,

As an introduction to me and my letters, I feel you need some insight as to what you can expect from me and my lucid ramblings. This is simply an attempt for me to relieve a minor amount of everyday stress in my life by putting my feelings down on paper. Being I'm a very opinionated person, I express everything I feel pretty much as I'm feeling it. Lately, my wife has found a new favorite response to deal with me when I really get on a tirade. She says, "if you're so mad about it, then write a damn letter." So, in essence thats what I'm doing. This is your fault Kim.

I'm going to be discussing the issues that I want resolved, and finding the people with the answers or at very least some kind of responsibility to the problem. I will be creating this under fictional contexts, but if the letters start actually making sense and any of you people agree with my stance then I'll start sending these to the intended recipients. Although I'm gonna try to stay off of government hit lists politics/policy, religion, race issues, and anything else I wanna talk about are all fair game.

Finally, lets cover the disclaimer... I don't pull any punches, so you can anticipate being offended in some way by me at some point. BUT, If you know anything about me to start with you'd know I dont give a shit about you're fragile feelings...grow one or two additional layers of skin and deal with it.If you wanna stop reading then STOP, but I'd much rather argue with you about something before you go. Stick around, I'm bound to say something witty at some point.

Harrison out.

1 comment:

  1. So I am the responsible party for all of this ranting...great. Maybe you'll get into enough arguments with yourself that you'll stop picking fights with me! Ha ha...still messed up that you don't want me to be a follower
